Choosing a Ceremony Location

Choosing a ceremony location:

Many of our couples choose to get married outside. I mean who could blame them with so many options for gorgeous views! We absolutely love shooting outdoors and have shot ceremonies at all different times of the day.

While we are comfortable shooting in nearly any lighting situation, if you want our pictures to come out the best there are a few things to consider while picking your ceremony location.

Choosing a Ceremony Location by Direction:

Think about where you are going to have your ceremony and where the sun is in conjunction to you, your bridal party and your guests. We have shot some wedding where the view is amazing but the the bridal party is split, half in shadow and half in light and it looks odd in photos because of the unevenness. The best way to avoid this is finding a place with open shade or being completely back lit or in full sun. 

Choosing a Location by the Time of day:

Time of day plays a HUGE part on what the light looks like for the ceremony. Most of our couples get married around 4:00/4:30 so that dinner can be severed at a earlier time. We totally get that and want your day to go smoothly. However, the light can tend to be harsh, leaving long  deep shadows. While it’s not high noon it’s still not late enough yet for soft light. If getting perfect glowy light during your first kiss is important to you, consider waiting until a later time to get that magic!

Having a later ceremony can also allow for more options for open shade where everyone is in nice even lighting. BONUS it’s also a lot cooler on those hot summer days.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions:

If you aren’t sure if the location you have picked will work, there are sun tracking apps you can purchase (I love Sun Seeker). You can also ask your venue to see sample images of the location at that time. You could also ask your photographer if they have shot there before and what the light looks like.

For more wedding tips and inspiration check out our blog!

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